Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Not-So-Convinced Conspiracy Theorist...

So, Google just came out with a "Death Map" of all the recent clusters of animals that seem to be dropping dead everywhere.  I'm definitely not one of "those guys" but I do think something is a little odd about 4 species across 5 continents literally "falling over dead."  I'm not saying the Apocalypse is coming or anything...but how are people NOT talking about this?
A rash of mass bird and sea-creature deaths have given people looking for ill omens plenty of fodder in the first days of 2011.

The list of creepy mass deaths is to long too share in it's entirety, but among the list are:
- 5,000 Blackbirds in Arkansas
- 100 Pelicans in Jacksonville, NC
- 300 Doves in Italy
- 70 Bats in Tucson, AZ
- Thousands of fish in SE Asia
- 200 Cows in Sheboygan, WI

Okay...I'm no wildlife expert, but it seems incredibly coincidental that these and more would all occur within weeks of each other.  I don't buy the Plague theory, the UFO theory, the Secret Government Mission theory, or even the It's Been Happening For Years Just Not Reported theory.  But I do think something other than coincidence is going on here.  The question is what?

1 comment:

  1. 2012 is getting closer. The animals will be the first to go. We're next. ;)
